
Ham House, Richmond – oak grained front door

A project in which the front door of the 17th century Ham House in Richmond, Surrey is painted with an oak grained finish.

Showing the completed graining on the front door at Ham house.

Ham House, Richmond Surrey is a seventeenth century house belonging to the National trust. In 2022 I was asked to re-grain the large ornate front door of the house with an oak grain finish.

A number of samples were prepared for approval of the colour of the graining. The door was prepared by removing all loose paint to a sound surface and then applying a light stone base colour.  Two coats of graining scumble were then applied to give the approved oak grained finish.

Images below show the original deteriorated finish of the previous grained finish, the first lighter graining colour being applied over the light stone base and the second darker colour being applied. Attention always has to be paid to how the door is constructed so that the painted finish follows this accurately.