Creating the cherubs at the Savile Club

Pair of cherubs created at theSavile Club
Following on from recreating the ballroom ceiling architectural trompe l’oeil decoration in 2017 at the Savile Club, I was asked to recreate the cherubs that were originally populating the cloudy sky, peering down at the goings on below.
In 2018 I created the first three groups of cherubs using as reference fragments of canvas with remnants of cherubs that had descended from the ceiling following a water leak.
This year I created three further groups of cherubs. The images show the process from drawing to finished cherub. A very absorbing project, cherubs are really rather lovely to draw.
Savile Club ballroom ceiling trompe l’oeil decoration project.

Drawing prepared for the Savile Club cherubs. These were seen in place on the ceiling for approval prior to the work commencing

The drawing for the cherubs has been pounced onto the ceiling and raw umber used to paint the lines in

Savile Cherubs, ground being blocked out with light colours to create ghostly cherubs

Layers of colour being applied to the cherubs until the right intensity is achieved

Cherubs in the sky at the Savile Club