
Hartpury Church Organ, Gloucestershire

The Victorian gothic organ case was re-grained in oak and the organ pipes re-gilded and painted.

The restored Hartpury church organ The case has been re-grained with an oak finish and the pipes painted and gilded.

Hartpury Organ

The organ at Hartpury Church, Gloucestershire is believed to date from the first half of the 19th century and was gifted to Hartpury in 1899 by Mrs Gordon Canning of Hartpury House. 

In 2004 Trevor Tipple of Worcester began on a complete re-build of the organ and with all the inside workings and pipes removed we were asked to re-grain the Victorian neo-gothic organ case and to re-gild and paint the pipes. 

The damaged and missing parts of the front panel and pinnacles were repaired and replaced with re-cast elements taking moulds from the existing surviving decoration. The entire case was then re-grained with an oak finish in the style of the original. 

The front pipes were re-gilded and on preparation a small design was found to have been painted around the pipe mouth and we were then asked to recreate this too. 

The side pipes were painted in a colour to minimise their impact and a design gilded onto their mouths. 

The two images above show the front panel of the organ, the left hand image showing the repaired elements cast in plaster and the right hand image the finished grained front panel.